Keyport vs KeySmart: I’ve Owned Both, Here’s my Favorite!

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Some of the most cross-shopped key organizers on the market today are the KeyPort Pivot 2.0 and the KeySmart (I have the comparable version, the Rugged). I have had the chance to use both of these excellent key organizers and be able to compare them extensively.

This article will compare features, quality, and more, so stay tuned! I have used the Keyport Pivot 2.0 for a couple of months and the KeySmart for years.

Why should you trust me? I have been using key organizers since before this website existed. They are one of the most essential parts of your daily-carry gear. I want to make a difference in your daily life, and the opinions of these products reflect that.

Please Note: Both the Keyport Pivot 2.0 and the KeySmart Rugged discussed in this article were sent out to me to check out free of charge. However, as you will notice, I have opinions that are my own.

Most Customizable & Usable
Most Durable
Primary Rating:
Primary Rating:
Most Customizable & Usable
Most Durable

KeySmart vs KeyPort Quick Comparison

KeySmart RuggedKeyport Pivot 2.0
Dimensions3.7″ Long by .75″ Wide by .59″ Deep3.47″ Long by 0.7″ Wide by 0.6″ Deep
Weight59 Grams20 Grams
Key Capacity14 Keys8 Keys
BuildAluminumStainless Steel

What is the KeyPort Pivot 2.0?

  • Dimensions: 0.7" High by 3.47" Wide by 0.6" Deep
  • Capacity: 1 to 8 keys
  • Weight: 0.63 ounces
  • Very high quality
  • Extremely easy to install or remove keys from the organizer
  • Modules and key accessories are very well thought out
  • Very customizable to be exactly what you want
  • Only fits eight keys
  • With accessories, is more bulky than competitions
  • Can get expensive once you have built it the way you want
See Price: Keyport Pivot 2.0 Read Full Review
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The KeyPort Pivot 2.0 is meant to be one of the most customizable key organizers on the market. The base KeyPort is two pieces of metal held together by a rubber strap on one end and a screw on the other. 

From there, you can easily add and remove accessories from the key portion of the organizer to your liking (I have a pen and a multi-tool), or (even more remarkable) you can clip on modules to the exterior of the Keyport. For example, my Keyport Pivot 2.0 has a rechargeable flashlight and a pocket knife (I talk more about why I like this knife in my full review here). These 

Some unmentioned customizations include flash drives, an e-business card, the omni-fob (which can be used for things like opening your garage door), pocket clips, face plates (for your individual style), and so much more.

What is the KeySmart Rugged?

  • Dimensions: 0.59" High by 3.7" Wide by 0.75" Deep
  • Capacity: 2 to 8 keys
  • Weight: 2.08 ounces
  • Once keys are installed, extremely easy to use
  • High quality
  • Included pocket clip is very helpful
  • Difficult to set up initially
  • Can be annoying to add keys
  • Not quite as customizable as some competitors
See Price: KeySmart Rugged Read Full Review
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The KeySmart Rugged is a step above the Original KeySmart (which I have also owned). The KeySmart Rugged is built with stainless steel and is slightly thicker than other versions of KeySmarts, which gives it a bit heavier but more durable build.

The Rugged and all of the other KeySmart products hold keys on either end of the organizer, and two screws hold it together. The KeySmart can have accessories mixed in with the keys, and some of these accessories include a knife (you can see my discussion of that in the full review of the Rugged here), pocket clips, stylus’, wrenches, multi-tools, flashlights, and more.

Initial installation and adding keys – Winner: Keyport Pivot 2.0

The Keyport Pivot 2.0 and the KeySmart Rugged may seem similar at first glance, and it would seem that they would be identical in the application; however, that is far from being true. 

The KeySmart utilizes two screws to hold the unit together and to maintain the keys on either end of the organizer. The main downside is that you must completely disassemble the key organizer whenever you want to add or remove accessories or keys. 

You must re-stack the keys (and accessories) on each other and perfectly line up the plate on both ends before adding the screws and tightening them down. This generally results in several tries (due to the keys falling over) before you can assemble the organizer.

On the flip side, Keyport made a point to have ease of installation be a priority (rather than capacity), so they added a rubber strap to one end (holding the two plates together), and you added keys to only one end. While this cuts down on capacity (8 keys instead of 14), you only have to line up one side rather than two. This makes things much less frustrating and means you will be open to changing out keys and accessories more often.

Which has the better price? – Winner: Tie

The Keyport and the KeySmart have very similar pricing for the base unit! If each is within budget, you should have no problem choosing between the Pivot 2.0 and the Rugged based on price alone. 

That said, if a pocket clip is essential to you (to me), the KeySmart rugged comes with a pocket clip, while the Pivot 2.0 charges extra for that addition. If this feature is a deal breaker, the KeySmart will be your better option.

Which one is easier to use? – Winner: Tie

Once you have installed all your accessories and keys into each key organizer, I have found they have equal day-to-day usage. You can quickly learn how to use each and get the specific key you want without looking at it, which is a massive help over your normal key usage. Ultimately, other categories in this article will make a more significant difference in deciding which one to buy.

Which has better build quality? – Winner: Tie

The Keyport and the KeySmart have similar build qualities for the base key organizer. You can choose from quite a few different materials for each, and they are well thought out, with no real build issues.

That said, Keyport’s accessories are a notch above KeySmart. The modules are much better thought out and specific to the company and its rail design.

Which one can you customize the most? – Winner: Keyport Pivot 2.0

By far, the Keyport is a much more customizable key organizer! As we have discussed, you can choose from plenty of key accessories and modules to make it exactly the way you want. The main downside to this is that the Keyport builds up bulk quickly as you add components, so you will want to restrain yourself when shopping if you’re going to keep this a minimalist build.

Which would I choose?

After owning both key organizers for quite some time now, I would choose the Keyport Pivot 2.0 if I were to make a purchase today. It gives you the flexibility you need, the customization, and the ease of installation. The biggest of these things is the ease of installation.

I found that I wouldn’t add or remove keys on my KeySmart because of how difficult it is to do that, and I had to schedule my day around adding a key to my organizer. On the other hand, the Keyport is an easy process to do work.

That said, that is my personal opinion. The KeySmart Rugged mentioned throughout this article is another fantastic option, and these both are rightfully cross-shopped by many people.

Frequently Asked Questions


This article helped you out on your journey to finding one of my favorite pieces of gear. If you haven’t already, I compiled a complete article on my favorite key organizers (not just these two). You can read that article right here.

Otherwise, I hope you have a great one and happy reading!