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What is an exhaust tip? An exhaust tip is a metal object used to cover the opening of an exhaust pipe. They can improve the aesthetics of your vehicle, and they come in many different shapes and sizes.
You’ve heard that adding an exhaust tip to the end of your truck should make it louder, and you want to know if this is true. While there may be some truth to what you’ve heard, it’s not as simple as buying a new exhaust tip and bolting it onto your truck for more noise.

The exhaust system (or exhaust pipe) does not actually make noise. Rather, it is the muffler that makes the noise. The exhaust system’s job is to channel hot gases away from your engine and out of the tailpipe.
Some people have seen the exhaust tips on new cars or trucks with aftermarket exhaust systems, which are often larger than stock tips., They may think that adding an aftermarket tip to their truck will make it louder, but this is not the case. The addition of a big chrome or stainless steel tip can actually hurt performance in some cases.
What should you add instead to make your truck louder?
To truly increase the noise of your vehicle, you may want to consider adding a muffler from an aftermarket company. This can be installed on any truck with a regular exhaust system, and it will make the engine sound noticeably different.
If you want your truck to be louder, you should think of exhaust tips as more of a “style” statement than anything else. If you really want to make your vehicle more audible on the road, apply a quality exhaust tip and install a new muffler from a reputable company.

An aftermarket exhaust tip is a metal object used to cover the opening of an exhaust pipe. They can improve the aesthetics of your vehicle, and they come in many different shapes and sizes. For some, adding an aftermarket tip to their truck will make it louder, but this is not the case. The addition of a big chrome or stainless steel tip can actually hurt performance in some cases.
To truly increase the noise of your vehicle, you may want to consider adding a muffler from an aftermarket company. This can be installed on any truck with a regular exhaust system, and it will make the engine sound noticeably different.
If you want your truck to be louder, you should think of an aftermarket exhaust tip as more of a “style” statement than anything else. If you really want to make your vehicle more audible on the road, apply a quality exhaust tip and install a new muffler from a reputable company.
If you want your truck to seem like it is louder, then you should add an exhaust system.