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It’s not often I write an article that is so specific to an interior of a specific brand, however I truly feel the Browning Axis Interior needed to have a bit of a better explanation, as I personally feel this is by far the best interior I have found on any gun safe on the market today.
The Browning Axis Interior is used on all of their USA (American) made gun safes that are on sale today, yes this includes the new 1878 safe. It gives you a fully adjustable, and customizable interior to your liking. There are shelf options, firearm options, storage options, and even other options you wouldn’t expect.

So how does the Axis Interior work?
The Browning Axis Interior relies on strong rails on the back of the gun safe. These rails run the height of the safe, and the amount of rails depends on the width of the gun safe you are looking at.
Smaller safes tend to have 3 rails, giving you two columns of shelving and accessories. While the larger safes may have 4 rails to give you 3 columns of shelving and accessories.
What accessories can you buy for your safe?
I have split these options up into those four categories, and we’ll talk more in depth about them there!
Firearm Related Accessories
Of course every gun safe needs a great way to store guns. Most gun safes out there have a standard u-shaped gun rack on one or both sides of the safe. However Browning gives you considerably more control over how and where you are able to store your rifles.
Axis Drawer With Foam Insert
This drawer is perfect for those that want to keep one or maybe 2 pistols in a secure spot of the safe. You can cut out the foam to fit exactly what you want, so that your firearm doesn’t move around at all whenever the drawer is opened.
Alternatively, you could also cut the foam out to fit anything, maybe a harddrive, or other items you wouldn’t want rolling around in a drawer somewhere.
Axis Barrel Rack

This of course is one of the more important accessories of a gun safe. This is a simple u-shaped rack that you can put anywhere, at any height within the safe.
It has rubber coating all the way around to make sure rifles don’t get scratched.
This is also one of the easier styles to access any gun within the rack, as it has a complete opening all the way to the back of the u-shaped rack. While it may not be perfect for mass storage of rifles, it is better for accessibility than any other version on this list.
Axis Bow Hanger
Here you thought you were only going to store rifles in this safe! This is one of the few gun safe interiors that will allow for an add-on of putting a bow within the safe.
Let’s be honest, it’s not a huge accessory, but a great one if you need to keep your bow stored away.
Axis High Capacity Barrel Rack

Now this is much like the barrel rack above, however in this case it is meant to store many more rifles than the normal u-shaped rack you would find in most safes.
The upside of this style is that it can hold a ton, while the downside, is that it will become difficult to access any rifles farther back than the first row. This would be a great accessory for collectors of rifles, and probably not for those that want to use all of their rifles often.
Axis Pistol Rack

Have you ever wished you could be keeping your pistols somewhere other than on the door of the safe, or taking up your shelving space that you need for other stuff? This pistol rack fixes that issue.
It gives you rubber coated pistol hangers that are fixed to the bottom of a shelf. This makes it so they won’t take up much interior space, but you are able to store a ton more pistols than before.
Axis Scoped Pistol Rack
You have looked at the Pistol Rack from above, but are sad because your pistols have scopes? Well here is your solution! This pistol rack version is meant for those that have scopes on their pistols.
It alternates between allowing a pistol with a scope, and one without, to maximize your interior space.
Storage Related
Gun safes nowadays are not just for storing firearms, they also are used to keep other items like hard drives, computers, jewelry, and so much more. Now that trick is to make it so you can still keep firearms in the safe as well! The following accessories make that a lot easier to keep true.
Axis Drawer

This is your standard drawer without any form of insert. It can be used for anything you want! Nothing overly special other than it also doubles as a shelf!
Axis Drawer With Jewelry Insert
Really, everything in this “Storage” section is a derivative of the standard drawer. For example, this Jewelry insert drawer is just the drawer with a cool insert that allows for jewelry to be kept in there. It is a great option to keep that safe!
Axis Drawer With Multipurpose Insert
This one is a lot like the Jewelry Insert one, just a little bit different layout to allow you to keep whatever stuff you want to keep in there, as long as it is small enough I guess…
Axis Drawer With Money / Passport Insert
Now this accessory is perfect for those that are in the CIA, FBI, or just a spy. Nah, just kidding. Everyone needs a great place to keep their confidential information and money, and this is that solution for inside of your safe.
Axis Adjustable Shelving
This is the shelf you will see in every USA made Browning safe. It is extremely strong, and covered in rubber to keep everything in place, as well as safe from scratches.
While every safe has these stock, you can always buy more!
Other Accessories
Axis Drawer Bridge
At first glance, you may wonder what purpose this Drawer Bridge may serve. It basically pushes a drawer, or other axis accessory over into a halfway point between the railing of the interior.
While it may not make sense at first, this is great for when you want to have a drawer on the hinge side of the gun safe. Normally if you had a drawer on the hinge side of the safe, and tried to open it, the drawer wouldn’t open all the way without hitting the door.
With this accessory, it moves it over just enough to make the drawer open correctly without hitting anything.
Axis Vertical File Holder

You probably didn’t think you could keep files in your safea did you? Okay, you probably knew you could, but not like this! This uses the Axis system to give you two hangers instead of a shelf, then you can hang about file system drawers worth of files in there.
With all of these accessories that we have talked about in this article, I really do believe this makes one of the best interiors for any safe out there right now. Of course you have SecureIt, however their system offers a different take that isn’t for everyone.
Now I doubt this will ever happen, however it would be awesome to see Browning license out their interior to everyone on the market.
If you want to buy or look further into these! Visit this link to Browning’s site.