Zanotti Armor: A USA Made Modular Safe Company

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Zanotti offers many versions of their safe

Who is Zanotti Armor?

Zanotti is a USA built modular gun safe company. They offer 5 different safes varying in size. While there are not many modular gun safe companies out on the market right now, Zanotti is the only take apart gun that can boast that it is made completely on American soil.

While putting together a Zanotti safe will require 2 people, it is no where near the pain of moving a giant welded safe. This also can save you money in the long run, as most people end up leaving their safes in the home they are moving out of.

Great example of how all the pieces line up on a Zanotti safe during installation

Zanotti Armor Gun Safe Features

These safes feature many things that compete with their welded version brethren. The safes have a 3/16″ recessed door and 3/8″ lock plate within that. The body of the safe is made of 1/8″ steel.

At the moment only a mechanical lock that classified as group II is used on the safes.

With a triple re-locking door, this is a hard safe to beat.

Zanotti safes all offer exterior hinges.

Zanotti Interior, you can also see how long the impressive bolts in this safe are

What do I like about Zanotti Armor?

Zanotti has retained their small operations style while continuing to grow and produce better products. With their new website, its easy to navigate and learn more about their products.

With competitors like Snapsafe that is a much larger company, Zanotti stands out as a high quality product that is made in the USA and has the higher standard to match. They also offer a home safe called the X-1 that Snapsafe doesn’t offer a competitor to.

For example, while debated in the industry, Zanotti has decided to drop electronic locks as an option for their safe. They believe that the locks can not hold up to the standard that Zanotti wants. In my eyes this is highly respectable for a company to drop an option because it can cause customer concern.

Check out my buying guide to learn more about what to look for when buying a safe!

If you want to learn more about Zanotti Armor, a fun article is this one, where you can find out 5 things you may not have known about Zanotti Armor.

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